Dunnage bags are bags inflated with air which is used for safekeeping the goods during shipping. If you want better safety and security for your products, use inflated bags as the most commonly used option. You can place these inflatable bags in between the goods so that they do not get damaged in the shipping containers. These bags are very easy to handle and are also very cost-effective methods of cargo stability. You can choose dunnage airbags without spending a lot of money on your cargo protection.
Benefits of Dunnage Airbags
A dunnage bag has the biggest advantage of safe handling of the cargo during loading, shipping, and unloading. They can be used in trucks, sea vessels, rails, and air cargo containers during transit. If you are worried about loading your fragile goods and merchandise, use airbags to load them easily and conveniently. The use of airbags reduces the issue related to the load factor. The other advantage is to maintain customer relations, allow more decking space, and be reusable.
Reasons for Using Dunnage Bags
The option of using a dunnage bag is more affordable than going for custom products. There are various reasons why one should opt for airbags. One of the reasons is that they provide an exceptional value to your goods during transit. The use of airbags protects the items from moving around in the containers while they are in transit. They are used for absorbing the vibrations created during cargo transportation. The bags deal with the movement of the goods by filling the empty spaces and exhilarating loads.
Positioning and Placing of the Dunnage Airbag
Placing a dunnage air sack in the right location is the initial step of the process. Placing the dunnage air bags in the most appropriate region is the first and foremost step to be followed in the process. Put the deflated airbag between the areas of your load that require some additional propping. You should estimate the bag to completely occupy the space when it is inflated. When positioning the air sacks, you can place a creased board on either side to protect them from exploding and rubbing against the makeshift bed. This step can be followed for the protection of the products with sharp edges.
Extremely Important Packaging Option
Dunnage airbags are the most essential packaging option in the shipping and transportation industry. The industrial tools suppliers in the regions of UAE provide different types of dunnage products that ensure the safety of the cargo. Dunnage airbags might be a small packaging solution but are very useful for various cargo shipping industries. The airbag packaging protects any type of goods during the time of loading and unloading and its transportation.