Fleet management involves a ton of activities around vehicles which include vehicle maintenance and financing, tracking of vehicles and diagnostics, fleet driver management, and fuel management. Doing this for all of the vehicles in a fleet can be very tedious and tiring. But all thanks to the new and intuitive GPS tracking fleet management software, the management becomes a breeze.
How It Works
Fleet management is a lot of work to do manually. But with vehicle tracking, it’s a more concise and controllable process via fleet management apps. Through vehicle tracking, you can monitor, manage, control, and retrieve information about all the vehicles in your fleet. All you need to do is connect all your vehicles with a GPS if they do not already have one, install a fleet management app and then, you are good to go. With this setup, you can achieve a lot of possibilities which include
Monitor Drivers in Real-Time
The tracking solution lets you monitor every detail about a driver’s activities. This is made possible via the G force sensor. With this development, you can retrieve information like driver acceleration, sudden movements, oversteering, abrupt braking, and time-wasting. This puts the drivers in a more level headed position as every information can be retrieved in real time with no difficulty.
Plan Vehicle Routes Properly
Using this technology, it is easier to plan the routes of all the different vehicles in your fleet. This will help you to cut off redundancies and to allow for proper routing which would let you maximize the route possibilities that are achievable with all of the vehicles under you.
Save Cost
This new technology will help you save the running cost of your fleet, especially with fuel. You can be sure to cut back over 10 percent of your regular fuel expenditure.
Real-Time Feedback and Directives
You can offer feedback and directives to drivers in real-time. This means that changes can be put into consideration immediately, making it possible for drivers to take action and be proactive on the road.
Get Information in Real-Time
You can retrieve all kinds of information about your fleet without any effort. This will include information like driver’s identity, vehicle number, and type, vehicle location per time, etc. All of these will help you to stay abreast of your fleet and its activities.
The vehicle tracking system and the fleet management application is an advantage that every company and fleet manager should be taking advantage of. Using it will only better the lot of your business.
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